The Electro Shock starring Nitro
Nitro: Mr. Ironhand, can we get an update on the investigation until what happen with Rising Sun two weeks ago?
Ironhand: We are currently stilling looking into the situation, but we do have footage from security cams that revealed who the attacker is.
Nitro: Who is the attacker?
Ironhand: My job is to gather the evidence, motive and report it back to the Commissioner Drury. So at this time I can not say...
Nitro: But, Mr. Ironhand...
Badger: What's the meaning of this Mr. Ironhand? Why has security arrested my tag partner Battering Ram?
Ironhand: If you don't mind... Let's take this into my office to discuss this matter further.
Badger: I do mind exactly... What's this all about? Does this have anything to do with the Aethrans? I can see that you are in bed with the Aethrans!
Commissioner Drury: I'll handle this Mr. Ironhand. No... This doesn't have anything to do with the Aethrans. We have your partner on security cam attacking Rising Sun in his hotel room.
Badger: What are you talking about? Ram wouldn't do this to our allies the Titans
Commissioner Drury: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he did attack Rising Sun. His motive was to take out Rising Sun and have Desolation Factor put a hurting on DragonMaster before your coming match with them.
Badger: What?! I just can't believe what your saying... This has to be a frame up job...
Commissioner Drury: If you would like to see the security footage I will be more than happy to show it to you? But, Ram has a violent nature in him and history has shown this.
Badger: What do you mean history has shown this?
Commissioner Drury: I have said to much as it is... Well, you wouldn't remember this anyway when you go back to your time... Ram turned his back on the AniMen and he turned on you with a vicious attack from behind.
Badger: What?! I can't believe this...
Nitro: It's true Incredible Badger... everything that happen its true.
Badger: I'm just can't believe this could happen... So, whats going to happen with Ram and us?
Commissioner Drury: We have no choice but to disqualify Animal Pack from the tournament...
Badger: Please, Mr. Drury don't do that... Don't let the actions of one tarnish the name of the AniMen.
Commissioner Drury: I just can't turn a blind eye to this... His action could have cost Titan Fury a win in the tournament...
Badger: How about if I compete for our team in an one on two handicap match? Would that justify the wrong that was done?
Commissioner Drury: I don't want to punish you for your partner's wrong... but, I can respecting what your trying to do here Mr. Badger. So, here is what we will do... We will keep Battering Ram in our security hold for the duration of the tournament and Animal Pack will never partake in another Kronos style match again.
Badger: Thank you, Mr. Drury. For let me save face with our name among the AniMen people.