As it mentions in the catalog write-up, once you purchase The COTG Files, you'll automatically have access to a new downloadable PDF every time we make an update!
The Files are
available right now and they're a MUST HAVE!
~ :-Xsk
Having purchased The COTG Files about a week ago, I must say it is a great update to The GWF Files. For future editions I would like to see the following corrections.
Add Missing Card Years:
Amazonia 2089
Darkos 2089
Erebus CPC 2114
Franco 2097 (Defender of the Realm)
Krakan SE-2106
Lord Nexus SE-2106
Lorelei 2108
Magnus Colby [change 2095 to 2101]
Maramus [change 2118 to SE-2118]
Murdok [change 2112 to SE-2112]
Sonora Pelf [change 2095 to 2101]
Star Warrior 2105
Talisman CPC-SE-2120
Tanck 2121
Tekaro [change 2117, aCe 2120 to 2117 (Corporal Tek), aCe 2120 (Tekaro)]
Terak CPC 2114
Tiberius Prell CPC-SE-2119
Vallah SE-2115
Vertigo SE-2106
Warfare (change 2121 to aCe 2121)
New Beginnings Intro Box Set
(Minor tweaks to almost all cards, similar to many Special Edition cards. Therefore, should probably add 2119 (or maybe NB-2119) after Card Years to the following:
Amazing Mann
Commissioner Massif
Kill Prey
Malkuth (Slave Beast)
She Devil
Steele Freak
Troubleshooters (Bomb and Muss)
Vin Strutter
Probably should either add a separate entry for the Terrorists with their card year of 2104.
Add the terrorists card year to Ghengis Khan, Marcel de Sade, and Montrol.
Ghengis Khan 2104 (Terrorists)
Marcel de Sade 2104 (Terrorists)
Montrol 2104 (Terrorists)
Endgame's home should probably be changed from Unknown (6'6", 314 lbs, Unknown) to Corvus (6'6", 314 lbs, Corvus)
And finally, probably should change Doomsday Creature's Active Years from 2088-2091,2093-2096 to 2088-2096. Both the first and second editions of the GWF files also listed Doomsday Creature as not being active in 2092, but I always thought this was a mistake. My reason is that I believe Doomsday Creature (or Serpent Unman in the year 2092) is more like Ursa Major in 2092, active but not in any group.
I have never seen it mentioned in any game edition that the Doomsday Creature did not wrestle in 2092. In Wargames 2092 it states, "Rumor had it that he would be wrestling alone for a while." Also on the back cover of Wargames 2092 for the preview of 2093 it states, "It's a first! An established GWF star will take a shocking one-year leave of absence!" This is about Exo-King taking the year off in 2093, if he is the first wrestler to take a year off (only counting years from 2087 through 2093), then how could Doomsday Creature (Serpent Unman) be taking a year off in 2092?
Also, I am hoping that the GWFZ wrestlers get added to any future version. I really enjoyed reading the new material.