I noticed The Creeper's defensive counters were never recognized by the PBP. The opponent would just continue on offense (the big guy needs all the help he can get
Incredible Badger (l3o1): punch in face - 2
The Creeper (l2d6): CREEPER - 1
Incredible Badger (l1o2): punch in head - 1
The Creeper (l1d3): CREEPER - 1
Incredible Badger (l1o3): shoulder tackle - 2 (pw)
The Creeper (l2d6): CREEPER - 1
Incredible Badger (l1o5): elbow smash - 2
The Creeper (l2d2): CREEPER - 2
Incredible Badger (l2o4): knee drop - 2 (ch A)
I then noticed a similar situation with Incredible Badger:
The Creeper (l2o2): punch in face - 2
Incredible Badger (l2d2): BADGER - 2
The Creeper (l2o4): atomic drop - 2 (ch F)
I then realized that on The Creeper's card the counter only says "CREEPER" rather than "THE CREEPER". Likewise for Incredible Badger the counter only says "BADGER" instead of "INCREDIBLE BADGER".
I checked all the other cards I own that are officially "THE_____" and see that when "THE" is included the counter works fine but when "THE" is omitted the above errors occur (see THE SERPENT UNMAN, THE BOMB, THE BETRAYER for properly working counters).
Two other cards I saw affected were The Guardsman and The Amazing Man:
The Creeper (l2o1): knee drop - 2
The Guardsman (l2d2): GUARDSMAN - 1
The Creeper (l1o1): eye rake - 1
The Guardsman (l1d2): GUARDSMAN - 2
The Creeper (l2o5): Skullcracker - 3
Incredible Badger (l2o4): knee drop - 2 (ch A)
Incredible Badger hits a press slam! (Roll: 5, Target: 8)
The Amazing Mann (l2d6): AMAZING MANN - 2
Incredible Badger (l2o5): dropkick off turnbuckle - 3
So I guess the end result is the counter must have the exact same name as the character name field. I currently have 2087-2098 and New Beginning so you may want to check cards from the other editions.