17 men walk into the Kronos Arena with Solaris...
(The show opens with the Launching Pad)
Johnny Rocket: " Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the first Launching Pad on Kronos. My guest is Pegasus the Powerful!"(the crowd cheers)
Pegasus: " Johnny, It's been a while ."
Johnny: " IT has. I was shocked when I looked at the program and you were not in the Open The Cross Roads title tournament."
Pegasus: "Yes, I know."
Johnny: " You know. Could you elaborate?"
Pegasus: "You know as well as I, that I could win that or any title when ever I wish to. It's only a matter of time."
Johnny: "So... you're just..."
Pegasus: " Biding my time. Now let's watch this tournament. I've never watched a Scorpi Spotlight Battle royal before."
(As the wrestlers all stood around the ring, their mages would a[ear on the screen afterv each elimination s to whom would be next in.)
* Mesmer tossed out Incredible badger.
* Spike def. Jupiter with MEGADESTYROYER.
* Nightmare def. Lord Nexus with Shadow Spear.
* Exo-King tossed out Rune Larrs.
* Raven tossed out Category Five
* Torment def. Cupid with AETRAN POWER BOMB.
* Paganax tossed out Honos.
* Wolf tossed out Avalanche.
* Spike def. Torment with MEGADESTROYER.
* Mesmer tossed out Exo-King (King attempted a corner splash when Mesmer ducked)
* Nightmare def. Raven with NIGHT TERRORS.
* Paganax def. Wolf with PAGAN VOID.
* Nightmare tossed out Paganax.
* Spike def. Mesmer with MEGADESTROYER.
* Spike def. Nightmare with MEGADESTROYER to become the fist Open the Crossroads champ.
(Johnny Rocket climbed into the ring to interview the inaugural champ)
Johnny: "Spike congratulations on becoming the first Open the Crossroads Champ. With that title , you can go any where , in any time to face anyone. Any Thoughts?"
Spike: "I've got a So-Called- Ally to face... one mpre time. So... I hope yoru ready... VENGEANCE!!!" (With that, Spike pushed the green jewel in the center of the title, and vanished )